There are two ways to populate jQuery Bootgrid. Either you use the server-side way (e.g. a REST service) for querying a dynamic data source like a database or you use the client-side way for simple in-memory data visualization.

To use the client-side way you need almost no configuration. Just add your rows via HTML or use the append method to append rows dynamically (see here).

For using the server-side way you must set at least the ajax option to true and pass an URL to the url option (see here).

All settings can also be set via the data API on the table tag for general settings and th tags for column specific settings.

Add data-toggle="bootgrid" to your table to initialize jQuery Bootgrid without writing any line of JavaScript code.

Name Description Type
navigation Enables or disables header and/or footer. Default value is 3.
0 for none, 1 for header, 2 for footer and 3 for both.
padding Defines the padding of the pagination on both sides (right & left). Default value is 2. Integer
columnSelection Enables or disables the dropdown box to hide/show columns. Default value is true. Boolean
rowCount An Array of Integer which will be shown in the dropdown box to choose the row count. Default value is [10, 25, 50, -1]. -1 means all. When passing an Integer value the dropdown box will disapear. Array or Integer
selection Enables row selection (to enable multi selection see also multiSelect). Default value is false. Boolean
multiSelect Enables multi selection (selection must be set to true as well). Default value is false. Boolean
sorting Enables sorting (to enable multi sorting see also multiSort). Default value is true. Boolean
multiSort Enables multi sorting (sorting must be set to true as well). Default value is false. Boolean
rowSelect Enables entire row click selection (sorting must be set to true as well). Default value is false. 1.1.0 Boolean
keepSelection Defines whether the row selection is saved internally on filtering, paging and sorting (even if the selected rows are not visible). 1.1.0 Boolean
ajax Enables server-side population (by setting this option to true you also have to pass an URL to url for your data service). Default value is false. Boolean
post Enriches the request object with additional properties. Either a PlainObject or a Function that returns a PlainObject can be passed. Default value is {}. Obsolete Use instead requestHandler! PlainObject or Function
url Sets the data URL to a data service (e.g. a REST service). Either a String or a Function that returns a String can be passed. Default value is "". String or Function
caseSensitive Defines whether the search is case sensitive or insensitive. Default value is true. 1.1.0 Boolean
requestHandler Transforms the JSON request object in what ever is needed on the server-side implementation. Default value is function (request) { return request; }. 1.1.0 Function
responseHandler Transforms the response object into the expected JSON response object. Default value is function (response) { return response; }. 1.1.0 Function

Ajax request settings that shall be used for server-side communication.

All setting except data, error, success and url can be overridden. For the full list of settings go to jQuery.ajax.

Name Description Type
method Specifies the HTTP method which shall be used when sending data to the server. Default value is POST. 1.2.0 NEW String


The following example shows how to override ajax settings.

    ajaxSettings: {
        method: "GET",
        cache: false

General search settings to configure the search field behaviour.

Name Description Type
delay The time in milliseconds to wait before search gets executed. Default value is 250. 1.2.0 NEW Integer
characters The characters to type before the search gets executed. Default value is 1. 1.2.0 NEW Integer


The following example shows how to override search settings.

    searchSettings: {
        delay: 100,
        characters: 3

Specifies the mapping between status and contextual classes to color rows.

Name Description Type
0 Specifies a successful or positive action. Default value is success. 1.2.0 NEW String
1 Specifies a neutral informative change or action. Default value is info. 1.2.0 NEW String
2 Specifies a warning that might need attention. Default value is warning. 1.2.0 NEW String
3 Specifies a dangerous or potentially negative action. Default value is danger. 1.2.0 NEW String


The following example shows how to extend the status mappings.

    statusMappings: {
        4: "wrong"

Built-in converters for a better sorting experience and localization.

Name Description
numeric A numeric converter that converts String to Number and vice versa.
string The default converter (no conversion; takes the String as it is).

Example for custom converter

It´s very simple to create a custom converter. The converter consists of two methods: from and to. from converts a String to a desired type. to instead converts a type into a representational String.

In the example below you can see how easy it is to integrate Moment.js for better datetime visualization and sorting.

    converters: {
        datetime: {
            from: function (value) { return moment(value); },
            to: function (value) { return value.format("lll"); }

Keep in mind when using Moment.js to select one of the ISO-8601 datetime formats recommended here when populating jQuery Bootgrid in order to avoid strange behaviour.

Formatters are perfect to manipulate the visualization of data cells. They´re fast and easy to implement, but see yourself in the example below.

How to create a formatter

A formatter is nothing else than a Function that gets invoked on data cell rendering. this is mapped to the current Bootgrid instance. The formatter return a HTML String. Use the event to bind custom events to your controls rendered by a formatter.

    formatters: {
        commands: function (column, row)
            /* "this" is mapped to the grid instance */
            return "html code";

Be creative by adding your own templates, labels or styles.

All labels can be set and overridden on initialization respectively.

Name Description Default Value
all This label is used in the row count selection box. All
infos This label is used by default in the footer section to provide helpful informations regarding the table content. Showing {{ctx.start}} to {{ctx.end}} of {{}} entries
loading This label shows up in async scenarios while data is loading. Loading...
noResults This message is shown in the table content part when no data rows are available. No results found!
refresh Tooltip for the refresh button. Refresh
search Placeholder text for the search field. Search


See in the following example how to override default label values or see it here in action.

    labels: {
        noResults: "where are my results"

All CSS classes can be set and overridden on initialization respectively.

Name Description Default Value
actions actions btn-group
center text-center
columnHeaderAnchor column-header-anchor
columnHeaderText text
dropDownItem dropdown-item
dropDownItemButton dropdown-item-button
dropDownItemCheckbox dropdown-item-checkbox
dropDownMenu dropdown btn-group
dropDownMenuItems dropdown-menu pull-right
dropDownMenuText dropdown-text
footer bootgrid-footer container-fluid
header bootgrid-header container-fluid
icon icon glyphicon
iconColumns glyphicon-th-list
iconDown glyphicon-chevron-down
iconRefresh glyphicon-refresh
iconUp glyphicon-chevron-up
infos infos
left text-left
pagination pagination
paginationButton button
responsiveTable CSS class to select the parent div which activates responsive mode. 1.1.0 table-responsive
right text-right
search search form-group
selectCell select-cell
selectBox select-box
searchField search-field form-control
selected CSS class to highlight selected rows. 1.1.0 active
sortable sortable
table bootgrid-table table

All templates can be set and overridden on initialization respectively.

Name Description Context-sensitive Placeholder
actionButton {{ctx.text}}, {{ctx.content}}
actionDropDown {{ctx.content}}
actionDropDownItem {{ctx.action}}, {{ctx.text}}
actionDropDownCheckboxItem {{ctx.checked}}, {{ctx.label}}, {{}}
cell {{ctx.content}}, {{ctx.css}}
footer {{}}
header {{}}
headerCell {{ctx.column}}, {{ctx.icon}}, {{ctx.sortable}}
icon {{ctx.iconCss}}
loading {{ctx.columns}}
noResults {{ctx.columns}}
paginationItem {{ctx.css}}, {{ctx.text}}, {{}}
rawHeaderCell {{ctx.content}}, {{ctx.css}}
row {{ctx.cells}}
select {{ctx.type}}, {{ctx.value}}

As you may already have noticed, some templates and labels contain strange content parts like {{ctx.icon}}. These are dynamic placeholders which will be replaced upon rendering. There are three different types of placeholders. ctx is a dynamic context-sensitive container, whereas css (CSS container) and lbl (label container) are more or less static containers (they are linked directly to the CSS and label settings).

Due to technical constraints CSS and label settings should not be nested because it would lead to strange indication errors.

Name Description Type
align Sets the text alignment of table body cells. Default value is left. Possible values are left, center and right. String
converter Specifies a converter by using the name of the desired converter. The default value is string. String
cssClass Sets the CSS class of table body cells. The default value is "". 1.1.0 String
formatter Specifies a formatter by using the name of the desired formatter. Formats the table body cell content. Default value is null. String
headerAlign Sets the text alignment of table header cells. Default value is left. Possible values are left, center and right. String
headerCssClass Sets the CSS class of table header cell. The default value is "". 1.1.0 String
id Sets the column id. Required String
identifier For marking a column as unique identifier. Default value is false. Boolean
order Specifies the sort order. Default value is "". Possible values are "", asc and desc. String
searchable Enables searching. The default value is true. 1.1.0 Boolean
sortable Enables sorting. Default value is true. Boolean
type For description see converter. Obsolete Use instead converter! String
visible Sets the visibility of a column. Default value is true. Boolean
visibleInSelection Sets the visibility of the column selection box item for a specific column. Default value is true. 1.3.0 NEW Boolean

Column settings can only be set via data API at the moment.

Name Description Parameters
appended Fires after appending row(s). Event e, Array appendedRows
cleared Fires after calling clear. Event e, Array affectedRows
click Fires after clicking on table body rows. 1.1.0 Event e, Array columns, PlainObject row
deselected Fires after deselecting row(s). Event e, Array deselectedRows
initialize Fires before initialization. Event e
initialized Fires after initialization. Event e
load Fires before loading data. Event e
loaded Fires after data is loaded. Event e
removed Fires after removing row(s). Event e, Array removedRows
selected Fires after selecting row(s). Note: Provides only new selected rows not all. Event e, Array selectedRows


In the following example you can see how to subscribe to the plugin specific events.

    .on("", function (e)
        /* your code goes here */

Always append the plugin namespace .rs.jquery.bootgrid to the event name in order to subscribe events.

Name Description Parameters Return Type
append Appends new rows. This method is chainable. Array rows jQuery
clear Removes all rows. This method is chainable. jQuery
deselect Deselects rows by ids. Deselects all visible rows if no ids are provided. In server-side scenarios only visible rows are deselectable. 1.1.0 Array rowIds jQuery
destroy Removes the control functionality completely and transforms the current state to the initial HTML structure. This method is chainable. jQuery
reload Triggers a data reload (only supported for server-side scenarios when ajax is set to true). This method is chainable. jQuery
remove Removes rows by the given row ids or removes selected rows if no ids were passed. This method is chainable. Array rowIds jQuery
search Searches in all visible columns for the given phrase. If no argument is passed, it will reset the search. This method is chainable. String {phrase} jQuery
select Selects rows by ids. Selects all visible rows if no ids are provided. In server-side scenarios only visible rows are selectable. 1.1.0 Array rowIds jQuery
sort Sorts rows by the given dictionary. If no argument is passed, it will reset sorting. This method is chainable. PlainObject {dictionary} jQuery


The following example shows how to invoke methods.

/* Single invoke */
$("#grid").bootgrid("search", "serach phrase");

/* Multi invoke (chaining) */
$("#grid").bootgrid("destroy").bootgrid("search", "serach phrase");

Please notice properties return values only for the first grid instance. This will probably enhanced in the next version.

Name Description Return Type
getColumnSettings Gets a list of the column settings. 1.2.0 NEW Array
getCurrentPage Gets the current page index. 1.2.0 NEW Integer
getCurrentRows Gets the current rows. 1.2.0 NEW Array
getRowCount Gets a number represents the row count per page. 1.2.0 NEW Integer
getSearchPhrase Gets the actual search phrase. 1.2.0 NEW String
getSelectedRows Gets the complete list of currently selected rows. 1.2.0 NEW Array
getSortDictionary Gets the sort dictionary which represents the state of column sorting. 1.2.0 NEW PlainObject
getTotalPageCount Gets a number represents the total page count. 1.2.0 NEW Integer
getTotalRowCount Gets a number represents the total row count. 1.2.0 NEW Integer


The following example shows how to call properties.
